E-Textile Kit to add lights to your felting projects


SKU: LED kit Category: Tags: ,

E-textile kit –  to add lights to your 2D felting projects.

Working with our sister site Light Stitches.  Light Stitches produces kits to add lights to projects  using a specialist kit.

Conductive Thread. a battery holder/battery  and LEDs (lights)  are added to textile projects.  You make a circuit and the LED/s light up.  Read our blog and download  our free pdf shows you how the circuit works. https://www.blackdogandgingercat.co.uk/blog

  • Kit contains a CR2032 battery holder with switch, conductive thread, CR2032 coin cell battery and two 5mm LEDs.
  • The colour kits available are  multi-coloured or red which are flashing LED’s.
  • No soldering involved. If the thread breaks tie the two ends together and it still works perfectly

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Weight 50 g